We are delighted to inform that a concise review of T. Mróz’s book, Plato in Poland 1800-1950 (Academia Verlag, 2020), composed by Professor Luc Brisson, was published in Bulletin Platonicien of “Études platoniciennes” (vol. 17, 2022).
Plain text of the report by prof. Brisson is available here in open access.

There is no need to introduce Professor Brisson, a Canadian-French scholar, researcher and translator of Plato and neo-Platonic philosophers, to anyone who has even a vague idea on the current state of research in ancient Greek philosophy.
Currently Professor Brisson is an Emeritus Research Director (Ancient Philosophy Group) at The Centre Jean Pépin (Villejuif, France), a research laboratory of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique and the École Normale Supérieure of Paris.
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