AΦR research group at the Institute of Philosophy (University of Zielona Góra) developed informally over recent years from various research projects and now we deliberately aim to investigate various aspects of AΦR in the history of philosophy.
Most frequently we are focused on yet unexplored aspects of AΦR in Polish philosophy from the 18th century on, but we also set out to research AΦR-connected links between Polish and foreign ancient philosophy experts, AΦR in the middle ages, and AΦR in other countries (Germany, Great Britain, Lithuania, Russia, Ukraine, USA).
In 2021 we have initiated a book series with Marek Derewiecki Publishing House. The series’ name is “Studies and Sources from the History of Reception of Ancient Philosophy [Studia i Teksty z Dziejów Recepcji Filozofii Starożytnej]”. We plan to publish one volume each year.
This website, hopefully updated on regular basis, contains information on AΦR research group activities, that is, books, papers, seminars, talks, and research projects. Recent activities will be reported first, but some older works of AΦR research group members will be listed here too, especially those available in various online repositories.

Room 228, Collegium Neo-Philologicum Bldg., University of Zielona Góra, Poland
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