Prof. Justyna Patalas Maliszewska, the Deputy Rector for Science and International Cooperationof of the University of Zielona Góra (UZ), home institution of the AΦR, awarded Tomasz Mróz with a “Small Grant”. These internal grants are distributed by the Rector annually among those researchers of UZ, who have submitted their proposals to the National Science Centre (NCN), received positive assessements from the experts, yet finally have not been granted funding.
The aim of the “Small Grant” for AΦR is a preliminary research on the legacy of Bohdan Kieszkowski (1904-1997), an expert in Renaissance Italian Platonism. Funding will be spent on library research and attending an international conference.

This is the second “Small Grant” awarded to the AΦR research group.
The previous one was announced here.
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